Eulogies & Tributes

Francoise Collet
Nancy Festinger
Nick Luttinger
David Mintz
Ivan Otero
Janis Palma
Richard Palmer
Marta Sarubbi
Tony Thomas


Ana Ilse Gómez
Pablo Neruda
Wislawa Symborska
Consuelo Tomás


17 enero 2008
What I'm Proud Of
[Reading by Paula Gold]


By Wislawa Symborska
Translated from the Polish by Stanislaw Baranczak and Clare Cavanagh

We're extremely fortunate
not to know precisely
the kind of world we live in.

One would have
to live a long, long time,
unquestionably longer
than the world itself.

Get to know other worlds,
if only for comparison.

Rise above the flesh,
which only really knows
how to obstruct
and make trouble.

For the sake of research,
the big picture,
and definitive conclusions,
one would have to transcend time,
in which everything scurries and whirls.

From that perspective,
one might as well bid farewell
to incidents and details.

The counting of weekdays
would inevitably seem to be
a senseless activity;

Dropping letters in the mailbox
a whim of foolish youth;
The sign "No Walking on the Grass"
a symptom of lunacy.